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Earth Pledge, by an Unknown Author (ca. 1980)


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I pledge allegiance to the earth
and all its sacred parts,
its water, land, and living things,
and all its human hearts.

I pledge allegiance to all life
and promise I shall care
to live and cherish all its gifts
with people everywhere.

This is the original “Earth Pledge” circulated in the 1970s and early 1980s within ephemeral works and curricular resources published by Global Education Associates, and others. In print, the earliest we have yet found it published is in the textbook, Peace through Justice (1983) by Louise Marie Prochaska, however, Sister Prochaska does not recall composing it. The pledge also appeared embedded in an illustration for the Spring 1984 issue of Global Education Associates’ Breakthrough Newsletter. Neither Pat Mische (co-founder of Global Education Associates) nor Sister Miriam MacGillis (inventor of the Cosmic Walk, founder of Genesis Farm, and illustrator of the pledge) recall with certainty composing the pledge, although both think that it is quite possible. I am currently researching back issues of periodicals published by Global Education Associates in the 1970s and early 1980s to determine once and for all, when it was originally published and hopefully, by whom, the pledge was written. –Aharon Varady


Earth Pledge (Global Education Associates, Breakthrough Newsletter, Spring 1984)

Peace through Justice – Earth Pledge (Louise Marie Prochaska 1983), p. 277


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